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空運服務主任 (貨站服務組)
Transportation / Logistic Freight

The Cathay Cargo Terminal is one of the most advanced air cargo terminals in the world. The terminal has offered a full range of air cargo services for airlines operating at Hong Kong International Airport since 2013 and is capable of handling an annual throughput of 2.7 million tonnes. The terminal incorporates innovative features and advanced technologies to enhance the visibility, efficiency and reliability of each step of operations, setting new standards in operational efficiently, environmental design and service levels. Reinforcing Hong Kong’s position as the world’s premier international airfreight hub, our vision is to be the world’s most customer-centric air cargo terminal. The Cathay Cargo Terminal is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited.

- 加盟獎金$12,000
- 僱員/家屬機票優惠
- 優於法例年假、假期
- 協助客戶處理貨物交收
- 監察貨運裝拆以符合公司服務標準
- 確保系統資料準確無誤
- 負責外判商營運效益及工作安全
- 推廣公司五常法及精益文化
- 聯絡政府部門,外判商及各航空公司
- 香港中學會考/香港中學文憑考試同等學歷或持有香港資歷架構物流業過往資歷認可第二級或以上
- 操流利廣東話及英文,略懂普通話更佳
- 須輪班及夜班工作
- 歡迎無經驗者申請
HKD 17,000.00 - 18,000.00 Per Month
Medical Insurance
Overtime Pay
Five-Day Work Per Week
Transportation Allowance
Travel Allowance
Free Shuttle Bus
Job Type
Full Time
Senior Secondary School / HKDSE
Position Level
Entry Level
Hong Kong